Articulation and Voice Therapy

We offer a wide range of speech and language therapies to address articulation and / or voice concerns.


Articulation difficulties can be the result of a developmental issue or an acquired injury. Our articulation therapy services focus on improving the:

  • ability to pronounce sounds and sylables

  • pronunciation of words and sentences

  • intelligibility of speech for everyday conversation


Voice Therapy

Speaking too much, smoking,  excessive clearing of the throat or the upward movement of stomach acid can all result in strain or damage to the vocal folds. Our voice therapy services focus on:

  • improving voice function

  • reducing the abuse or misuse of voice

  • reducing further scarring, lesions or damage of vocal folds


Working together

Following an initial meeting together, we will build a speech therapy plan to address your family member's specific needs.  This process involves building an awareness of their unique history, conducting an assessment and identifying communication goals. We will also work with you to select a therapy location and schedule, as well as, assisting you to access available funding

We encourage you to contact us for a consultation